Not all “Likes” are Created Equal
The study shows that
“like” means different things to different age groups. It seems
that younger consumers aged 15-24 tend to use “like” for purposes of self-expression
and public endorsement for a brand. They consider it a worthwhile bonus if they
get coupons or deals from a company because of their “like,” but accessing
these deals is not their primary motivation.
Consumers aged 25-34 are more
likely to expect something of value in return for a “like”, and they are quick
to “unlike” a company that doesn’t follow-up with discounts, product
information, or exclusive offers.
Finally, consumers in the 35-51 age group have the highest expectations, and it’s not just getting anything in return for liking a company. They want something relevant and valuable, whether it’s information or discounts. Moreover, individuals in this age bracket don’t hesitate to “unlike” a brand if it doesn’t live up to their expectations.
So, now we know that
75% of respondents feel closer to a brand they “like” on Facebook, we also know
that brands have to nurture these relationships to keep their value. “Like” doesn’t
mean marketers have permission for one-to-one marketing, instead, it represents
consent to receive select marketing messages, while leaving the door ajar (or
at least unlocked) for taking the relationship further. Find out more on
how social media affects a company’s PR efforts in our Schrenk PR’s next PR
Bits & Bites blog post.
Great information Schrenk, thanks much!